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Why do you use mcg/capsule vs. parts per billion (ppb) when reporting third-party heavy metal test results?Updated 8 days ago

As a brand, we adhere to California's Proposition 65 (Prop 65) limits, which are among the most stringent globally. Prop 65's Safe Harbor Levels and Maximum Allowable Dose Levels (MADLs) are set in mcg/day, therefore we follow the same test result format to ensure clarity and alignment. We avoid using less consumer-friendly metrics, such as (ppb), in favor of straightforward, understandable reporting. Note that ppb is most helpful when the serving size is unknown or varies, like when looking at foods such as spinach or beverages like water. In the case of our products, there is a defined serving size. We tell you exactly how much you consume per serving because that makes sense. 

As a reproductive health company that makes products for women and their partners—including those who are trying to get pregnant, pregnant, postpartum and breastfeeding—we take this extremely conservative approach to safety by adopting and adhering to the most conservative standards that exist solely to protect the health and well-being of you, the consumer. We will never release a product that doesn’t pass our strict specifications and quality control process, and we will always share our third-party test results. (Here is a link to the test results for the lots we’re currently selling. Additional lots available upon requests.) This ensures the highest level of safety and trust for our customers.

We recently posted a deep dive on heavy metals in food and supplements where we cover the regulatory landscape, the reality of heavy metals in natural v. manufactured products, and steps you can take to reduce heavy metals. If you are interested, you can read it here.

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